fucking rubes, touching around on their stupid iphone and laptop, pretty lights, colors, and sounds

"wow AI the future"

that's what most of reddit is to me

shut the fuck up

  • 13
    Have you seen an Amazon warehouse?
  • 2
    @C0D4 ah the classic marginal call center like replacement comparison

    i'm talking about the "swaths of artists, writers, journalists, lawyers, and even doctors" that will soon be out of a job!!! right guys?!?!

  • 5
    oh yeah almost forgot... us developers too, totally and completely out of a job! imagine a business manager big wig raging when their precious AI model isnt building what they wanted because they don't even understand what they want

    sick of it all
  • 2
    @fullstackclown But how different is that with hiring incompetent system engineers that lie in Linkedin and don't understand what they do ?
  • 2
    @fullstackclown seriously, any job AI replaces, is a job AI replaces.

    Sure it doesn't impact you on a high podium of self significance yet, but it's someone's job.

    That doesn't mean AI shouldn't replace mundane task though, but you don't get to add limitations to what is reasonable for AI to take over.

    Eventually SKYNET will evolve to modern day.
  • 1
    @C0D4 wasn't it just automation and not AI at all?
  • 0
    @iiii no, they use AI and computer vision in their robots.

    Automation could work, but the robots don't go back to the same items and just move on to the next thing it needs to get.
  • 0
    @C0D4 since when are we considering specific object recognition as AI?
  • 1
    @iiii here, scroll down to the Cardinal bots, not the little guys rolling around the floors 😅


    and a detailed write up:
  • 5
    @C0D4 if there's a world where AI does all the jobs that humans do, I would call that world "utopia".

    Let's not forget that humans exist for no reason, they don't exist only because they're useful to other humans
  • 1
    @C0D4 I don't see that as artificial intelligence though
  • 1
    Tbh i leave all my UI to chat gpt. Works like a charm.
  • 6
    Please bear in mind that "AI" is a moving target, like a frontier that expands as we develop new algorithms. After we implement some task that kinda feels like what used to depend on human cognition, we tend to call it by the algorithm it uses or what it does, then it's no longer AI.

    This is not exclusive to what we consider AI today, but the functions of computers in general. Then we forget those jobs ever existed and what were their names. Did you know that web "portals" would employ real humans to index parts of the web, a job that needed to be done frequently as new web pages appeared? Google's automated indexing made that obsolete.

    But there's another side to it: people in accounting use their Excel spreadsheets or whatever to do their jobs. If they were doing that on paper and perhaps without calculators, how many assistants do you think they'd need, say, just to do the calculations? In this case, automation makes one person more efficient and you need to hire less.
  • 5
    If it allows one lawyer to skim through twice as much paper trail in the same amount of time and skimming through paper trail is a quarter of every lawyer's job, it makes every eighth lawyer obsolete even though it can't replace even the dumbest lawyer perfectly.
  • 4
    Other factors to take into account:

    - when productivity goes up, prices normally go down, which opens previously uneconomic markets

    - the people you see on the internet are really good at their job, prepared to be filmed and usually doing the interesting part. Most people most of the time are clumsy and doing repetitive tasks that could be mimicked by a pile of servos and a shell script
  • 3
    I suspect artists won't be made redundant in particular because the demand for art mostly depends on who can afford it. If artists get to spend less time implementing their ideas without sacrificing too much quality, they get to charge less, so wider masses will be able to turn their series ideas into a pilot for example. I suspect that the main impact AI will have on art is actually a quality improvement on the cheap end, and much much more multimedia art as artists will be able to borrow content from disciplines they're not trained in without paying for an entire second artist.
  • 1
    @lorentz also there will be more competition in the end, because the more accessible art becomes, the bottleneck tends towards how much of it can one human consume in their lifetime (or rather their leisure time)
  • 0
    On the Pixel phone, if you're stuck on call waiting you can ask your phone to ring you back when someone on the other end finally gets back to you. No need to sit there waiting for 30 mins
  • 6
    AI is just another form of automation. Automation has and does replace people for repetitive or precision tasks. But AI is a stupid name.

    We build automated welding machines. This makes it so a properly setup process can replace a welder for precision welding tasks. Our machines are often automated in a manufacturing process. Some processes are welding a part every 15 seconds. Something a human just cannot do at that rate of speed. It is also much more precise. We don't use "AI", but we do replace people.

    We have talked to people who want a welding machine not because a person cannot do the job, but because they cannot find anyone to do the job. So in that case it is solving the missing labor problem.

    I also am seeing a lot of AI use in the art fields. This will replace artists, or reduce their billable hours. I watched software being used to change poses of a photo in real time. I was amazed it was even possible.
  • 1
    @iiii fortunately the field does not operate around what you believe AI is. Pretty much everyone agrees what we have for couple years is an ANI, which is a level of AI.
    Tbh failure to distinguish between ANI/AGI/ASI is a problem when discusing the topic. Especially visible with people who expects AGI level from LLMs.
  • 1
    @qwwerty it's not intelligence at all by any definition.
  • 0
    I agree that the hype is bullshit though.
  • 0
    Just realized, that this toaster is now possible. It will be just as fucked up as in this video.

  • 1
    @iiii that's why it's called artificial intelligence and not just intelligence.
  • 0
  • 1
    @electrineer found another definition today
    AI = Analyzed by Indians
  • 1
    A buddy of mine works at a tutor SaaS startup. They hire freelance tutors and pay them nothing basically.

    The tutors are being fired enmasse because LLMs are good enough.
  • 0
    @lungdart But is this a bad thing ? Before excavators you needed a lot of more labors to do the job. It is just a matter of time to see such improvements being made in the digital world.

    They now pay good money for those guys that can operate big cranes and machines. In the future that can happen with IT too.
  • 1
    @Grumm I never said it was good or bad. Just giving more examples.
  • 0
    @lungdart ah sorry. I thought that saying they replace people by AI was bad.
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