
Things u truly HATE:
I'll start with mine
- JavaScript
- XCode (I like Swift. It looks very much like Kotlin)

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    jQuery in 2017, DRM, proprietary connectors
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    Holy fuck you really do hate PHP
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    - I really don't like to work on source code written by someone else
    - unable to find where exactly error is occurring
    - explaining technical stuff(studs that had nothing to do with project) to client who don't have any idea about what I am doing
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    - looking at ugly cms websites
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    XCode, makes me hate iOS development. And functions/methods written by someone else and they use arguments as outputs instead of returning statements. So instead of
    List<Shit> makeListOfShit(){...}
    they do
    void makeListOfEvenShittierShit(List<Shit>){...}
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    @ThatDude PHP was one of the first languages that I learned. I built websites using vanilla php, then I used wordpress. When I started app development I used Slim for the backend and finally i used Laravel.
    Personally i hate it because it looks ugly, not well structured, and couldn't find a good IDE for it. But here's actually why the language is bad.
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    Woa, what really makes me rage is when an ugly cms website is full of bugs. Like content overflowing containers... Or links to 404... Or weird js bugs
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    Html + css
    Dependency hell
    Memory leaks
    Fixing Linux issues
    Fixing networking problems
    End users
    Python packaging
    Stupid javascript features
    Being in a non-dev job
    Self guilt
    Web scraping
    Smartass senior devs who think they are superior to me because they learned comp sci and math at the university
    Stupid HR recruiters who don't know shit about anything and ignore my CV
    Apple's philosophy
    Microsoft's products
    Google's spying
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    SQL stored procedures and triggers. Seriously, fuck that shit dude, stop taking the logic away from the fucking code.
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    HTML & CSS 🖕
    Come to think of it, I hate Web Front End development in general. Though I like Android or Desktop front-end development.
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    Ads and Windows 10
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    Poorly documented code
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    I hate computers.

    I feel like moving to Canada to start an emu farm, but I don't know anything about emus. Do they even like snow? What does an emu farm sell, emu feathers, giant omelettes? And I don't speak Canadese.

    So I'll just throw some liquor in my coffee to poop out a dozen classes of PHP code today.
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    JS-miners running in the background without asking and using my entire CPU
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    @fun2code oh you're cool
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    @AlexDeLarge you had my +1 at 'OOP overkill'
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    Things I love - JS/nodejs
    Things I hate - Speedy changes to APIs
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    @AlexDeLarge at least you like beer right?
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    Oh right, anything which doesn't use semantic versioning. 😡
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    Undocumented code/libraries
    The C standard library
    Shitty documentation
    Web dev (as a whole, nothing specific)
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    AngularJs, VueJs, React,
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    @Krokoklemme so you hate everything
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    Nah, it's too much of a waste of energy to hate someone I barely know. I just figured you'd like the mention in a "things you hate" thread.
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    @ThatDude Oh, I know Java very well. Therefore it's not as much of a waste to hate it. :) Or rather, hate the people who don't know how to write code in it. Likewise with Golang.

    PHP I can simply hate because it's PHP.
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    @jalebiBhai a very big chunk, yes. But not everything ^^
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    I hate people who are not consistent with writing code, and don't format code correctly. Fucking retards.
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