
Like probably many engineers; I work with a lot of Indians from different companies. I realized the big majority of them don't turn on their cameras in online meetings. Does anyone know why?

  • 1
    Low bandwidth, maybe?
  • 4
    I don't either. Messy hair, not representative shirt,.. And I like to walk around my room while listening to others talk, perhaps grab a cup of Joe or a snack...
  • 5
    The only time I turn on the camera during a call is when I want to show something on my desk, such as what some piece of external hardware is doing or how the cabling looks.

    Just like @netikras, I like to walk around during a call, or I have my feet on the desk. The latter even when I'm in the office. But in general, I don't like to see talking heads in calls. It's about the content, not about socialising.
  • 1
    Indian here.

    Low self esteem issues, that's why.
  • 3
    They all look the same, If they had their camera on you wouldn't be able to tell who is talking, the letters help you distinguish!

  • 4
    Engineers are no film stars, why would we videograph ourselves? I find it unprofessional.
  • 2
    1. Privacy.

    2. Bandwidth.
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    @Hazarth , i think chinese look same :-D
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    @AngryDev9981 Everyone looks to same to me! >:D ... It's probably some sort of condition, I don't remember faces xD
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    @Hazarth Prosopagnosia?
  • 1
    If not required why would anyone turn on the camera?
  • 2
    @kobenz I'm fucking ugly bruh..
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy Grab a paperbag, cut holes for eyes and breathing, problem solved.
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    @electrineer Nah, probably nothing like that, I can remember faces of people I see often and that I like. I think im just generally disinterested in people and don't bother remembering anyone unless they become interesting to me.
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