Question to everyone, Is mental health important to you ?

  • 20
    Yes. 100%
    I can't make shit well if I can't think straight.
  • 7
    It’s so important I’m not sure whether to place it before physical health. Avoidance of depression and anxiety is a must to enjoy life. We live to be happy
  • 4
    Well yeah, but I'm very low maintenance when it comes to this.
  • 2
    What mental health?
  • 2
    Without it you would see me in the news for murdering the most of a small village
  • 6
    Yes, very much so. Being in a depression is not fun. I tend to make jokes about it to cover it up but at some point the jokes become reality.
  • 3
    I'll tell you I totally value mental health, but my actions might say otherwise...
  • 1
    I chose software development so apparently not
  • 1
    No it's not important at all, being a good wage slave is what matters, my boss = my life. (sarcasm btw if ur pea brain didn't get it).
  • 0
    Yes, otherwise, why would you live?
  • 0
    No. But then again, I'm mentally unstable so take my words with caution.
  • 2
    Seeing how I am still depressed and generally fucked up, no, it's not important enough for me.
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime because you were born and your instincts keep you alive. Nothing more than that.
  • 2
    I don't know much about mental health and I despise pop psychology but I try to remain stable.
  • 1
    Yup, 100% especially with the mongrels I had to deal with.
  • 2
    No, I love being a fucked-up, crazy bitch.
  • 1
    Healthy body ==> Healthy mind ==> Productive thoughts ==> Total well-being :)
  • 1
    @stackphish healthy body does not actually cause healthy mind.
  • 1
    @stackphish They have an effect on each other but none of them is necessary nor sufficient to guarantee any of the others
  • 2
    Yeah, but similar to some others it's not something I struggle with personally. I'm lucky.

    What it does mean though is that I'm very aware of others in my team who may be struggling with it, and give them all the time and space they need if they're struggling at any point.
  • 1
  • 1
    @TYML the shortest answer
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme straight to the point 😂
  • 2
    I used to not care about mental health. I ignored the signs and the warnings then I suffered the consequences. Now I know better. So, to answer your question, yes, it is important to me.
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