
We're excited to announce the first devRant-sponsored hackathon! It features everything we could have dreamed of in a hackathon: huge prizes ($10k to first place and others), an awesome beer-themed dev competition from lead sponsor Anheuser-Busch, lots of free beer, and an awesome setting at Alley in Chelsea NYC (devRant's hometown, we'll be there!)

It's taking place right here in NYC from March 25-26 and @trogus and I will be there and we really hope we can hang out with members of the devRant community who are participating. devRant is an official partner of the hackathon and we're very excited about the competition itself. There are two challenges teams can pick from: "Internet of Things" (Raspberry Pi’s, Arduinos, etc.) and "Data Insights" - both with the goal of finding creative solutions/innovations to help people drink more beer!

Tim and I look forward to hopefully seeing many of you there. Full details and registration here: https://hacktheworld.beer/NYCHackat...

Please let us know if you have any questions and let's hack some beer!

P.S. the hackathon is 21 years and older only because of the beer theme

  • 7
    @runfrodorun awesome, hope you can make it!
  • 13
    A hackathon that to find a way to get ppl to drink more beer... I've got an additional challenge!

    Make me want to drink beer or even harder, wine. I don't like the taste of either :)
  • 4
    You have to have it literally across the country don't you.... 😢😭
  • 23
    You really should implement a pinned post or something so you could put this on top of the rants
  • 26
    @ScribeOfGoD you have it good. I must go across an ocean and a half continent to go there.
  • 6
    Ah Damn! My new passport is due in on the 2nd April 😢

    Hope you all have a good time, well done on setting it up @dfox @trogus 🎉🍻
  • 5
    @RazorSh4rk Question of the week: Will you join our hackathon?
  • 3
    @dfox gotta get you guys involved on best...I mean West coast
  • 0
    @stop and you still probably have a better chance of going than me :P :'(
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD you on the west coast?
  • 1
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD I knew I liked you.
  • 4
    I am attending remotely.
  • 2
    How awesome! Hope I can make it 😁
  • 3
    Oh fuck! I am from Fiji.
  • 5
    I hope it's going to be streamed live
  • 0
    +1 if you want that to happen in Toronto too
  • 0
    Making a beer themed hackathon is definitely a great way to make me drink more :p (ha! like that was possible)
  • 2
    I live in NYC and would love to go! But I can't because I'm Jewish and you made the event on the Sabbath. Don't single us Jews out 😭
  • 0
    @Koolstr but it's not really work. More like, having fun lol
  • 5
    21 and older? D*rn h*ckers. What if I look 21?
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD It doesn't work like that lol. Sabbath prohibitions extend well beyond actual work. I can't actively use electricity at all so a hackathon is about as much a nono as can be :(
  • 2
    Is there any chance of going to the hackathon on Sunday alone? Or is it only worthwhile if I had begun it on the first day, Saturday?
  • 1
    Across the country, try across the world.. :(
  • 6
    The competition would be interesting if contestants have to gulp a can of beer for every 20 lines of code typed in. 😜
    The person who writes a complete app, and it's functional, wins. Oh, and comments must be included.
  • 8
    I really want to live in America right now 😭
  • 13
    @dfox could you please make a online hackathon which runs over git and skype? That would be awesome for german me
  • 4
    Yeah ++ for a remote hackathon!!!
  • 3
    Eagerly awaiting the rants concerning the hackathon!
  • 2
    this will not be shit.
  • 6
    What if this whole thing is just an experiment to find the exact value of the Ballmer peak?
  • 1
    I cant come because I live in the fucking Germany and because I'm 17(here I can drink beer but dont in the USA)
  • 2
    Great news David :D

    Too bad about the NYC thing ;) but that is the inevitable problem.

    I hope there will be many more (closer to home)!
  • 2
    Wish I could make it 😥
  • 9
    Hey everyone, thanks a bunch for all the feedback!

    We'll also be posting this as a news item so everyone should see it :)

    We are well-aware that many people who would love to participate aren't able to because of where they live, and we are actively working on a virtual hackathon so all devRant users throughout the world can participate. There will be more news on that after this first hackathon, and if it's successful, we'll probably announce the world-wide hackathon shortly after.

    @Koolstr that's a good question and I'll get back to you on that. The timing is unfortunate but I think for a multi-day hackathon that's the only way it can really work. But I'll see what they say about delayed start/one day participation.
  • 1
    @yo-adrian hahahahaha smh this is best competition rule
  • 0
    @kophygiddie lol. Team drinking could be good too. Each team member has to take on a module for an app. All teams have to create the same app. My rules apply to each team member.

    Damn, I feel like finding sponsors for this type of coding event. I want to make this happen. Lol
  • 3
    Mission: Code an awsome app whilst under the influence of alchohol.

    Result: Takeaway and beer pong.
  • 4
    @allanx2000 are you me?
  • 0
    @Kimmax you don't like drinking either?
  • 0
    @runfrodorun so if you attend, you can help them figure out a way to make me drink!
  • 0
    IoT beer Pong!
  • 3
    oh, I am in korea and I am 15

    too bad...
  • 3
    hey, how was the hackathon? pictures?
  • 2
    @billgates @dfox any place where we can find those? :)
  • 0
    @dfox was there actually ever a follow up post about this? or about the virtual hackathon?
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