Got this from a recruiter:

We are looking for a **Senior Android Developer/Lead** at Philadelphia PA

Hiring Mode: Contract

Must have skills:

· 10-12 years mobile experience in developing Android applications
· Solid understanding of Android SDK on frameworks such as: UIKit, CoreData, CoreFoundation, Network Programming, etc.
· Good Knowledge on REST Ful API and JSON Parsing
· Good knowledge on multi-threaded environment and grand central dispatch
· Advanced object-oriented programming and knowledge of design patterns
· Ability to write clean, well-documented, object-oriented code
· Ability to work independently
· Experience with Agile Driven Development
· Up to date with the latest mobile technology and development trends
· Passion for software development- embracing every challenge with a drive to solve it
· Engaging communication skills

My response:

I am terribly sorry but I am completely not interested in working for anyone who might think that this is a job description for an Android engineer.

1. Android was released in September 2008 so finding anyone with 10 years experience now would have to be a Google engineer.
2. UIKit, CoreData, CoreFoundation are all iOS frameworks
3. Grand Central Dispatch is an iOS mechanism for multithreading and is not in Android
4. There are JSON parsing frameworks, no one does that by hand anymore

Please delete me from your emailing list.

  • 69
    Nice one πŸ‘Œ
  • 4
  • 129
    Then they'll email you, when can you start? XD
  • 2
    Oh fuck!
  • 15
    Is this for real? I mean if it actually is, then ether the recruiter have no clue of what he/she is doing OR maybe it's a bad prank from colleges?
  • 4
    @yzhea omg, the first person that wrote xD I already like you :D
  • 7
    Never liked Java, been developing Swift for iOS for the past 6 years and couldn't be more happy!
  • 3
    @KimDotSe it is as real as the nose on my face... I wish i could make this crap up
  • 10
    I started of reading this rant with a very straight face. I ended this laughing so hard that the rest of the students don't want me in the lab anymore.
  • 0
    @qbalsdon it's kind of sad, lol
  • 1
    I wonder if they understand only people who lie about thier experience can match that. unless that is what they are looking for....
  • 8
    @gitpush swift for 6 years?! Yeah sure!!!
  • 4
    @alybadawy plz tell me you are joking? He said in his post they want 12yr exp in Android development when Android hasn't been around for that long, Andi was just going with the flow as I know Swift existed in 2014
  • 0
    @runfrodorun I am an Android dev with less than 10 years exp (2 more to go!) I can't afford a new nose just yet :P
  • 1
    @gitpush So even if this is a misfiled iOS dev spec the experience is ridiculous, the iPhone came out in 2007 so 10 years is the max experience for an iOS dev :)
  • 6
    @KimDotSe pretty sure 9 out of 10 recruiters that message me on LinkedIn have no idea what the company they work for does
  • 0
    @qbalsdon good point, I've been in this field for three years though can't think of a situation where that much experience is wanted for a mobile app, if it was for working on improving SDK then I guess it's reasonable
  • 0
  • 4
    @SirWindfield well that you, i think I like you too! :D
  • 1
    @KimDotSe the recruiter never knows what he recruits for.
  • 2
    @Noob Well, the recruiter who recruited me actually took online classes in programming just so she knew what she was talking about. But I understand that this is not the normal case
  • 2
    @KimDotSe wow! This is surprising!
  • 0
    I love to correct recruiters that post shit on LinkedIn publicly, but no one has ever messed up this far.
  • 0
  • 1
    Lol, a nice laugh to start of my morning πŸ‘Œ
  • 0
    I live in Philly. Does it mention the company name?
  • 0
    @qbalsdon What did the recruiter answer?
  • 11
    I feel this happens a lot
  • 1
    @sp90 nothing so far :D
  • 1
    @cuervo That made my day!
  • 2
    $scope.burnedArea += "water";
  • 1
    @fyroc They rarely do
  • 1
    @qbasic16 if u need scope apply with ng 1.6+ your doing it wrong

    There might be edge cases But havnt Met Them yet πŸ˜‚
  • 0
    @sp90 you only need it in some special parts, e.g. in setTimeout(...) afaik, but in this rant I thought it was needed for the thing i wanted to say ;)
    Basically: Apply water to burned area. :D
  • 1
    s l a m m e d
  • 2
    I got a similar email (in technology I worked in), the recruiter insisted on talking on phone - pissed me off with his non sense questions and super confident attitude while asking those... tried to explain him calmly... eventually the call ended up he declaring that I m not the right candidate for the skill set he is looking for ... I believe he was right 🀣
  • 1
    @fyroc no it doesn't, the recruitment company is K-Tek resourcing LLC
  • 1
    @wbunton Yeah I have seen them too. But I haven't seen something as dumb as this one. Lol
  • 1
    Hire andy rubin then....
  • 0
    Nice response, more friendly than what I'd send.
  • 0
    Yeah - I was taken aback - Android has CoreData as well? I didn't think so. I am not an Android developer so was surprised at the requirements.
  • 0
    @gitpush Swift has been around for six years? I thought it was introduced wwdc 2014
  • 0
    @codeblue just going with the flow of the requirements bro 😝
  • 0
    New job offer... We want a superman clone with a iq of 220 please...
  • 0
    Epic. I'm stealing this response next time I get such email. ☺️
  • 0
  • 2
    That was a test, you succeeded. When can you join?
  • 0
  • 0
    Nice...yeah sometimes so many recruiters post so many impossible demands...
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