I quit and my last day is next week.

Apparently management has decided that I should spend my last day implementing a new feature for a customer where I have been the only developer, and release it to production (without first implementing it in test) the same day. A feature that potentially could cripple a whole workflow if done wrong.

Of course I advised not to release untested code to production on a friday, just before the only person that knows how it works leaves the company. But no, “the customer reaaaaaally wants it before summer, so just be careful not to write any bugs”.

I’m not saying that I’m intentionally gonna write bad code - but if I do, I’m not gonna pick up the phone when it calls.

  • 4
    Sounds like someone wants you to stay out of responsibilities.
  • 56
    Right before you leave send an email stating you are available for consult work.

    Your rate is 3x whatever your hourly rate was and by simply contacting you about anything you will consider an engagement of the contract and will bill according.
  • 2
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  • 1
    Push crapton of bugs into production and let it explode.
  • 3
    "just be careful not to write any bugs"

    Well some dumbfucks only learn from their own mistakes bonking them into another dimension.

    I say write the code and enjoy the fireworks if something goes wrong.
  • 10
    I would just write it and refuse to push it to production. Sometimes you've got to be professional when others aren't.
  • 6
    if you do it intentionally it's a feature ✨✨
  • 5
    This can't be real.. Can it...?

    Please someone tell me people aren't THAT stupid....
  • 1
    If they weren't to blame the leaving employee for a production systems crash.
    @martengooz !!
  • 2
    "Hurr durr!
    The key account developer was so bad, we had to let him go.
    Here, instead, have our other super hero developer."
    Now shut up and pay our bills.
  • 1
    @scor I’m pretty sure that exactly the scam they are gonna pull.
  • 2
    @katbreitin best answer ever. It's your time that matters, not the customer's
  • 0
    Hmm bad time to add that monero mining library into the frontend code isn’t hahaha

  • 0
    I would not deliver or deploy. If the changes cause some kind of trouble, then that could damage your reputation.
    In any case, leave proof of any action you do, so that they can’t accuse you of sabotage
  • 0
    @martengooz pick up the phone. Just remember your consultant fee is triple what they paid you
  • 1
    For anyone wondering, I haven’t gotten a call yet. So I guess I write bug free code 🤓
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