
My new phone will probs arrive tomorrow and me and mates are going on a vacation to Germany next week.

Currently using nearly all bandwidth/ram of one of my dedicated servers to download maps for offline use (OpenStreetMaps) and convert them to formats OsmAnd can use.

No need for google maps ❤️

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    @Alice Somewhere south, not entirely sure where though 😅
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    @fuck2code do you have an "Alice counter"?
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    @fuck2code Bye fellow virgin!
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    Have fun! And take care obviously
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    Like a tool that checks for new rants every second.
    If there is one, check how long it takes for the profile with the username Alice to make its first comment
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    ... but then it doesn't work so your friend takes out his phone and uses Google Maps?
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    Damn. You all are too fast and spammy lol
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    @billgates He's probably got them on board with his privacy passion using fear tactics lol

    That usually works for most people with anything
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    Why not using HERE for navigation?
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    @billgates Nah haha, already used OsmAnd for years and it works great!
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    @danzig666 Because I’d like to use something which hardly (or not at all) collects any data :)
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    @Alice At least I’m in control of my own data when I’m the only one having it ;)
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    But? Free roaming in EU mate
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    Your going on the summer to Germany?
    Dude come have a good time with me...
    A beer, a joint, free wifi and paradisiac beach
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    @billgates long time don't text, how are ya...
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    @Linux Yes, but what if I get into low or no coverage areas? We’re also visiting Switzerland and that’s not part of the eu so no unlimited roaming for me there
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    @GyroGearloose Were about are you?
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    @linuxxx get a European cheap cellphone or a unchained cellphone.
    Buy a card in each country, search for prices.
    I pay 4€ a week for 5gb internet plus 5gb YouTube, plus 10gb for specific apps, free calls and cheap roaming, and Portugal never had the best prices.
    In some countries in the north you can find unlimited internet with free roaming for cheap.
    If not, it's cheaper to buy one card in each country and get the lowest prices with free 4g. (that's why a unchained cellphone)
    Btw can other Europeans share their prices? I have the best one in Portugal with the best phone now (xiami Mi a1). I recommend it even over Mi a2.
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    True that!
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    @GyroGearloose yay, net neutrality.
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    why don’t you just buy a fucking map?
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    @helloworld Because a fucking map doesn’t show my fucking location!
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    @GyroGearloose I pay 35 a month for everything unlimited ;)
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    @linuxxx With roaming? If so then ya good already :p
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    @GyroGearloose Yup! But offline maps are still good since that does not require an internet connection
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    @AlexDeLarge Yes I’m in my twenties and yes I’m still a single/virgin. Mostly because I don’t use mainstream social media and it’s very fucking hard to find someone who accepts that in the Netherlands.

    Not kidding.

    And although it’s old fashioned, for me sex is something you do with someone you love, so I’ll wait :)
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    @AlexDeLarge Fun thing is I’ve been to many parties in the Netherlands and never kissed once and then I went to my first English one and bam. The issues I had in the Netherlands didn’t exist there.
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    @AlexDeLarge Can be for you, it’s a legitimate reason for me.
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    @linuxxx Yer, maps are useless, they don’t show your location. How the fuck did they use them before portable devices?
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    @helloworld Oh I’ve used those myself but why not use the tools available to you? In my case this works just fine.
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    @AlexDeLarge That’s fine, no need to convince.

    And I find those two things very different as for intimacy but I don’t think you’ll believe that either so let’s just agree to disagree.
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    @AlexDeLarge You said don’t try to convince me so I don’t see the point in writing a huge ass comment then.

    And as I said, I personally think that sex is a lot more intimate than kissing, that’s my reason or argument or however you call it. Not really more than that behind it as for arguments, that is my argument/reason and I can’t explain it much further.
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    @linuxxx t mobile? Its the same as what I pay
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    @AlexDeLarge im in my twenties and never even kissed a girl...
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    @AlexDeLarge I’m a vegetarian as you know and my reasoning behind that is that even just the idea of having a piece of dead animal in my mouth is something that I find disgusting (next to environmental reasons but that’s my main one).

    Nearly nobody understands that or even finds it an argument but what can I say, it’s a valid one for me.
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    @AlexDeLarge That’s why I threw in the last comment, a valid argument for me doesn’t have to be valid for you but hey, that’s okay.

    And no worries, curiosity is good I’d say!
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    @AlexDeLarge Good one, didn’t think about that one.

    Personal reason it is.
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    @AlexDeLarge (removed the comment because I wasn’t in for another discussion right now)

    I drink milk and eat cheese (sometimes an egg), those are by-products and thus vegetarian as far as I’m aware?
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    @linuxxx offline maps should still be the norm...
    So much bandwidth used to fetch the same maps again and again
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    @linuxxx btw where u from?
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    @Alice I'm sorry for what happened, hope who ever hurted you got what he deserved.
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    @AlexDeLarge Educating is good and I don’t mind this!

    I am a beer lover indeed. I try to watch if a product contains gelatins (not sure if it’s called like this in English but autocorrect) from animals and tbh I don’t really eat sweets.

    I guess I consume animal parts (not referring to by products) but I’ve never had a piece of meat itself (chicken/beef/whatever).

    What would that make me? (Genuinely interested in your answer)
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    @AlexDeLarge dude... I had a girlfriend with 32 who was a virgin...
    Why? Second boyfriend tried to Rape her.
    Dated other for a year with no sex... Eventually the relation got too cold. Why? Abused by someone in the family (never told me why) .
    Dated another who became a slut after eleven, after beeing raped by a 15 years old neighbor.... Her parents were so closed minded that they didn't believe her and starting calling her a slut... The boy told in school... So, low grades, low self estime, became a slut and rebel till she got her head straight and no therapy ... Why? Was her fault?
    And already meet people with 40s virgins, Boys and Girls.
    (btw beeing rape doesn't count to loose the virginity, when it does it's the hardest rape PTSD to treat)
    There are many reasons... Actually 7% of the population doesn't feel the need for sex and may die virgins...
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    Ohhh... And I was used when I lost my virginity...
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    @AlexDeLarge not pissed off, just a bit confused on why one would think its weird.

    And @GyroGearloose his story is true, although I wasnt raped or molested Ive been accused of it once. one of my best (female) friends sat on my hands by accident and since she was molested once she immediately thought I did the same. She went to the police but our common friends talked to her and made the charges drop, but we dont speak anymore.

    Because Ive once been accused of molesting someone I avoid touching girls as much as possible.
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    @linuxxx Congrats on 140k!
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    Boy that escalated quickly...
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    Had to scroll up again after reading all the comments, because I forgot what it was about.

    OSM offline navigation sounds interesting. Tell us how it worked out afterwards.

    Concerning all the virgins: I feel you. I guess if it weren't for alcohol and extremely lucky circumstances, I would also still be a virgin. And I'm approaching my thirties.
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    I use the maps.me app quite often and it works very well.
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    @linuxxx do you already kniw, where in Switzerland you'll go?

    About the vegan/vegetarian discussion, if you're interested, read on, if not please ignore.
    A vegetarian doesn't consume animal flesh. So no meat (including beef, chicken, fish and so on, animal products like dairy, egg and so on are fine). There are pescetarians, who are almost vegetarians, as tgey follow the same "rules" except for eating fish (it was thought that fish won't feel pain, which isn't true).
    A vegan however doesn't consume any animal products, as they allways come with animal sufering. Eggs for example: male chicken either go to the gas chamber or to the shredder, while female chicken or bread to produce a lot of eggs, resulting in mutations, shorter livespans and so on. As for dairy, cows don't just produce milk. Cows produce milk for their calves, so a animal doctor, has to impregnate them every 1-2 years and their calves are taken from them, just so we can have milk. Besides from breading issues and living conditions these animales face. That's just a small subset of the vegan argument, vegans try to not inflict any harm on any species.

    Note: I'm not vegan myself (yet?), So no judging, just as information for those who care.
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    @Alice well with the breeds used nowadays to produce milk, "Hochleistungsmilchkühe" (yes that's a word in german :P), it's kind of true, as they produce so much milk, a farmer has to milk them, otherwise they'd suffer or worse get infections and die. It's utterly absurd, that we breed them, to the point, where they produce more milk, than their own offsprings could consume... So there's a grain of truth in it, that they have to be milked, but only because we "designed" it that way... (It still needs the periodic inpregnation)
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    @Alice she know's that there's a history feature? Well judging from your rant's she probably doesn't...
    But yes, once impregnated, they can give milk up to 2 or 3 years, as we milk them daily and thus tricking their bodies to still produce milk, to feed their offsprings...
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    @AlexDeLarge I did... But don't talk about it.
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    @Alice at least you know how to expect from your mother (have the same problem with mine but I deal with her).
    Just found out that my hero is as shitty as his father.
    And my grandfather tryed to kill me because he was always saying that my mother was a hore and me and my brother were basters, and at age of eleven or 12, when me and my brother were digging the land to plant, while the fucker was looking at us like a Shepard and calling my mom a hore again, I turned to him, said he had bad manners and my mother wasn't a hore...
    He followed me 2 kms tying to kill me with his "enchada" (a tool for digging different from a shovel with a 1m80 pole) till I entered home and runned to my mother...
    Well found out that my father is as arrogant as his father and didn't even care when I almost died... He only cared that I didn't tell anyone and keep working with a burn out and 2 days from dying (was gonna kill myself).
    So... Well... I'll take your mother if you take my father.
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    Another big rant, sorry
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    OMG me tooo.
    I often use OpenStreetMaps in my projects. It's simple and free. Thank you osm!
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