
hello fellas, and read this post carefully and full.

i hate u if you use windows or osx. I'm a proud arch user. many of u people can't even install it. and i use emacs which is the best editor ever. anyone who uses anything else is an idiot, (not a real programmer). the tools you selected along the way defines who you are inside. people today learn programming from python and scratch, these people are homos. true programmer learns c or lisp, which are true programming languages. if you have courage use only arch linux, better compile it yourself, this will transcend you into becoming a real progammer. don't just any distro and be a faker. and remember to teach your children that python is what faggots use.
we need to make world a better place, please take the responsibility. this is my humble request, ++ it so more people can listen to my msg., and be awaken.

  • 10
    this community is not the place for you. kindly fuck off.
  • 7
    Soo, what your saying is:

    > you hate me
    > I'm an idiot
    > I'm not a real programmer
    > I have no courage
    > I'm a faker


    Total shits given: 0
  • 8
    I write my own os every month. Arch loser!
  • 10
    I mean, this is obviously a joke but go fuck yourself just for the sake of it.
  • 4
    Who would still use gay as an insult?

    The 90s are calling, they want their attitude back.
  • 0
  • 3
    You load an OS on your computer? N00b. I stopped using such “safety nets” years ago.
  • 3
    Oh boi, you still use a computer?
    I usually design and build custom silicon for every problem i have.
  • 5
    What's a computer?
    I calculate my auths and requests on an abacus and broadcast it using a ham radio to a wifi AP by manually modulating the frequency in real time by hand
  • 3
    @Hazarth by hand? please tell me you're using a modified theremin for that, to "handwave" the frequencies
  • 0
    I can laugh in front of a good ol' troll. But be warned that even when joking, some people are offended that their sexual orientation could be used as an insult, especially when words like "faggots" are used.

    In short : u funny but stop homophobia pls
  • 1
    @Jedidja I was just using a potentiometer until now, but I love your idea more! I'm gonna add that as an optional and preferred input
  • 0
  • 0
    You choose emacs over vim? That's the most insulting thing about this post.
  • 0
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    @pipe it's not fun if it isn't offending someone 🤗
  • 0
    @superarch Yeah, maybe... I picture you as quite young, since I had this kind of philosophy when I was like... 16 ?
  • 0
    @pipe dont feel bad. think positive. the person who is offended in actually sacrificed for the humour of others. problems in today's society is bcoz of lack of the sacrifices. We shud make more sacrifices.🌝 think about it
  • 2
    @superarch I see the first thing you've decided to sacrifice is your grammar....
  • 2
    You didn't change with tech, and here you're outdated
  • 1
    @theabbie i can do a lot of things pretty good till today, much better than my peers.

    I laugh at newbies tumbling around making a badly designed electron apps serving a small purpose occupying a lot of RAM.

    eg. a pomodore app which is over 100mb.
  • 3
    @superarch Do people give a damn about that?
  • 0
    @superarch you could help newbies instead, and show them stuff, instead of laughing at them. way more constructive and professional aswell.
  • 1
    @theabbie I mean kids today are generally very bad at making apps
  • 0
    @thebiochemic i do when time allows. but only few want to learn good things, other tend to stay busy on android app-dev, full stack dev, web dev, learning many frameworks, but hardly producing any good thing. just making what is already made. doesn't come up with new ideas
  • 3
    @superarch If you're super talented to make same apps in same amount of time but very close to hardware, you would be employed at a very high position, just because you're ranting shows that you suck at what you think you're good at, There's nothing like bad code if it works, if you like making things complicated, don't be surprised if no one wants to work with you.
  • 1
    @theabbie i'm not super talented. u r also wasting your time here btw. i'm tired so i'm just passing time and sharing my thoughts. i've a gud enuf job. but learnt many things with experience. i;m well settled in my home city, have a gud wife. not interested in working for big companies, i'm living life.
  • 1
    @superarch bro even as a troll your attitude is insufferable. Just saying.
  • 3
    @superarch Good, btw, this community is for ranting, not for hate speech, so, if you could phrase it in more civil way, that would yield better results. Have a great day.
  • 0
    @theabbie i just say what comes to my mind. hate speech is also speech. all types of speech shud be permissible. not that i'm hurting anyone. this is only a website. people can write anything. everything shud be discussed
  • 0
    @intoleRANT i love annoying people when i'm bored😂😂it's all a joke. love triggering people. hahahaaa. btw I'm 19🤣
  • 2
    @superarch that might get your account deleted, Constitution doesn't apply here, We have limited free speech, so, get a hold of it.
  • 1
    exactly what @theabbie said.

    @superarch it's sunday, why shouldn't i waste my time? And why should you even care?
    I do help people in all areas, i have knowledge of. And people return that help aswell. I'm living a good life aswell. But that is offtopic. You are posting here, since you're unhappy about something. If not, why are you still here? You should try reddit or Twitter instead. No offence btw.
  • 1
    @theabbie i'll make new one. 😂😂chillax, i'm 19 and just messing for fun
  • 4
    @superarch That was obvious, better shitpost memes than fake rants
  • 0
    @thebiochemic coz i'm sharing age old wisdom. someone must take that responsibility
  • 1
    @theabbie read my next post. it's authentic experience
  • 0
    @thebiochemic i don't belong on twitter, reddit,... my kinds are here. i'm not going anywhere. this is not my first a/c anyway
  • 3
    @superarch that's going to get downvoted, I think you're aware of that, so, no big deal.
  • 1
    @theabbie devRant is my life, don't take it from me. i don't have social skills or friends
  • 3
    @superarch you don't have to be a troll here, most people here are grown adults, they know how to deal with it, better enjoy this platform.
  • 2
  • 0
    @superarch Hate speech is also speech, yes. And us saying "fuck off" is still speech too, so just know that you'll reap what you sow.
    Also, in here, admins can use their free speech rights however they want, like deleting an account. As far as I know, they are not too quick to punish, but be aware that if you get in a community that forbids music and you start singing out loud, you'll be shown the exit faster than you'd want, and there's nothing your constitution, your human rights or your laws could do against that. Same thing here.
  • 2
    @superarch was that a typo? Did you accidentally add a 1 in front of the 9?
  • 0
    @pipe u make me 😭 cry, u r bad boi
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