So today this Mother F**ker get HR to back him up to accuse me of not communicating well in the team because I consistently asked him (the code owner) why he kept coding not following the coding guideline.

How is it not communicating? He literally ghosted me and blocked me every time I ask him questions. Which I somewhat don't understand what he is trying to do. HR lady told me that a senior software engineer should have the knowledge to understand everything and all the code.

But the code looks like this :

  • 61
  • 6
    @ComputerToucher exactly my reaction when I see this.
  • 15
    Ok, your senior is seriously disturbed
  • 2
    Блять, дела плохи
  • 17
    Perhaps you should show this thread to your HR department and they'll get how fucking stupid your code owner is.
  • 29
    Are you sure he isn't a malware developer in disguise?
  • 18
    I’m guessing their interaction with HR went something like this:

    “HR! My coworker keeps asking me to explain my code to them. Why do you hire people who can’t read code? I shouldn’t have to explain myself!”
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded It won't work! she just yelled at me and shut me off every time show her this.
  • 1
    @sbiewald maybe , but he told me he worked in "facebok" before.
  • 4
    @AmyShackles Why am i reading this comment in his voice?
  • 1
  • 4
    @johnmelodyme I’m just that good? 😅
  • 12
    Nobody writes code like this. Dude is either trying to look clever (ironic if true, because any half-decent letter-user can see how this is an incredibly stupid way to do anything) or he's trying to ring-fence the codebase because he doesn't want anyone else working on it for whatever reason.

    Stay polite, ask him to refer you and HR to the style guide that encourages this...then ask why, if there isn't one, it helps the company to adopt a practice that no-one else uses.
  • 18
    Write the code everyone can understand, and you'll have a job for a year. Write the code no one can understand, and you'll have a job for the entire life.
  • 0
  • 5
    How you can't understand this code? Its just trash
  • 0
    @sbiewald Is there something here that could be exploited? I have no idea about this syntax.
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme is this code crafted by that one senior FaceBok engineer?
  • 9
    @Ranchonyx No, but malware is often obfuscated like this to make analysis harder.
  • 3
    That's the actual code? WTF. I thought OP removed variable names for devrant only.
    Fuck the guy.
  • 4
    BTW that's some legacy PHP going on there are no type hints for props or the return type, no formatting whatsoever, fuck knows what's going on with the variable names, I want to puke.
  • 2
    @annapurna I asked him whether this is obfuscated , he said no which minutes later I got a phone call from the HR to tell me to "GET BACK TO WORK "

    This happen everytime
  • 5
    @johnmelodyme not sure what you should be worried about more. The stupidity of the so called senior dev, or the fact that HR defend him (and by doing so, are empowering him to keep writing shit code)?
  • 3
    @TheCommoner282 the first one. I am just reviewing code and I need some functions from the class, and this is what I got.
  • 3
    Can you go over his head to someone sane?
  • 5
    This looks like something I used to get in 5th grade. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Never knew this happened in coding too lol
  • 6
    I’m pretty sure that nobody is dumb enough to think that this kind of coding is a good idea.
    So, it must be intentional. He is deliberately trying to obfuscate the code.
    This is beyond "not conforming to guidelines". It is sabotaging the company.
    I’d accuse him of exactly that. Maybe that will get more attention and ring some bells in the HR department.

    (Edit to be more friendly for the case that you want to show this rant to HR)
  • 8
    * Maliciously obfuscated code
    * Social engineering of HR
    * HR can own a process???
    * People in HR too stupid to get expert advice on issues they don't understand.

    In case you ever show this to HR:
    Dear OPs HR team. You are so terrible at your job you're encouraging sabotage! I would highly recommend restructuring your company to prevent you from having any decision power. If a board of directors ever saw your decision making power here, they would fire you on the spot.

    In case you ever show this to your co-worker who wrote this:
    What agency are you working for? A nation state? North Korea? China? Russia?

    In case an investor in OPs company ever sees this:
    This company is incompetent. Please move your investment somewhere else!
  • 0
    @lungdart bruh.... 👑 You have my respect, I still don't know why the HR lady consistently screaming and telling at me everytime of my attempt to reasoning with her , for example like this rant.
  • 4
    These Malaysian devs and HR managers would be flipping burgers in any other country. In fact, most HR professionals would be flipping burgers if not for HR being a thing! They are at the lowest rung of the intellectual totem pole but they are loved and coddled with big salaries and power to abuse people better than themselves! What a deal lol
  • 1
    I would like to underscore that you need to mind the number of underscores when you re-use these utility functions. I don't like lodash so we are using _______
  • 2
    If that is what HR wants. Just get it in writing from yelling HR prick.
    Just say you want to settle this matter once and for all and ask if you should code in the fuckers style. Attaching his offuscated code.

    If it is positive grab the source of the project offuscate it fully in a new repo and push that. You can have a chosen few that can access and work with the original source.
  • 2
    Wow. Dafuq is that? No amount of LSD can make that a reality
  • 2
    @nachocode LSD is a substance for smart, creative people. Transhumanist scientists from a so-called "chemical background" (I'm not kidding), Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, the list is countable infinite.

    However, the list of shit coders is uncountable infinite, so according to the diagonalization proof, there is an uncountable infinite amount of shit coders who'll never have a chance to belong to the list of smart, creative people.
  • 4
    I mean, assuming the lower function calls the higher one, it does literally fuck all, adds zero to an array of the two values passed to it?
  • 4
    This code is so clean, there's nothing there!
  • 5
    Just write a script to replace all remaining variable und function names in your entire code base with underscores. Then lean back and watch everything burn. Only then they will truly understand your point.
  • 2
  • 2
    "Are you sure he isnt a malware developer in disguise?"

    are you sure he isnt malware in disguise?
  • 2
    @ComputerToucher That’s my boy! The man who wrote the English language dictionary all others are based on. His name is Samuel Johnson.@ComputerToucher
  • 3
    @BadFox nah, the lower function actually has one more underscore in it I believe
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