
A girl just canceled our first date to watch Avenger's Endgame with her friends. Pres ++ to pay respects.

  • 24
    At least she was honest. 10/10 pun btw
  • 35
    - -, not taking advantage of the situation and going too.
  • 8
    I’m sorry, man. That sucks a big one. But I mean it’s Endgame though... so I wouldn’t take it too hard.
  • 28
    🗣️ Superhero movies are shit and this one's no different.

    Overhyped garbage.
  • 11
    @Stuxnet There ya go again being negative for no reason. What do you have to prove?
  • 18
    @TheyCallMeMJ damn good job tagging me this time. I'm proud of ya.

    I don't have shit to prove chief.

    But pretty sure I'm still allowed to express my opinion. Idk I've been busy so I could have missed the law saying you're not allowed to express your two cents if it's not positive or jumping on the bandwagon of overhyped shit.
  • 4
    @C0D4 Yea idk you don't wanna go out with groups where you're reluctantly allowed to go.

    It'll be awkward asf and I've found trying to invite yourself isn't the best idea in the book.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet The rant didn't even ask for opinions lol. But it's tight man you do you
  • 8
    @TheyCallMeMJ always have and always will do me.

    But just an fyi, you probably don't wanna post shit on the internet if you're not looking for people's opinions because you're gonna get them regardless. Example #1 & #2 being me. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 8
    Her: I'm going to see xyz at the movies

    You: oh no way!, I was going X day. Shall we go together.. let's make it a date!
  • 9
    @Stuxnet you opinionated bastard, what do you think this is... the Internet? 😛
  • 9
    @C0D4 oh fuck.

    Forgot it's 2019 and I'm not allowed to have an opinion anymore. My bad.

    Windows bad
    JS bad
  • 5
    @TheyCallMeMJ by it's very nature, a rant solicits an opinion, otherwise there is no point in being here. Just my opinion fwiw.
  • 5
    @iAmNaN wtf, he's not even ontopic, are we defending free speech or the ramblings of a person with add?

    post: "so, my boss was eating strawberries and then..."
    everyone else: well, he has a right to an opinion
  • 5
    @jesustricks "RaMbLiNgS"

    Trying to figure out how it's not on topic considering the original post is about Endgame, and I gave my two cents on Endgame + superhero movies in general.

    Just not seeing ya thought process. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 1
    @Stuxnet definitely ADD, you post hijacking beast
    the post was "my date dumped over avengers" not "i like avengers"
    hate avengers? fine, rant about it, I'll even ++ it, I'm sure you'll make it entertaning

    that mixed caps meme is dead also
  • 3
    @M1sf3t I agree with what you said, and I'll add that doing such thing will make you come across as needy and clingy. If a girl performed this line on me, I'd be a bit annoyed.

    If she wanted you there she'd invite you.
  • 2
    @M1sf3t oh, man, you're right, he was just being a bro, I didn't notice that, actually kinda cool
  • 2
    @M1sf3t I was typing something about it being supportive, but i figured it was a stretch and was just gonna let it die down lol.
  • 4
    @rajj plenty fish on the sea, if she went to avengers, then she should reschedule... don't give 2 fucks about her unless she does that.

    as always remember to 1) dress well 2) smell well (no BO, no mouth odor, wear perfume) 3) be a good chatter funny, but not too funny, honest, but not too honest and listener, but not too listener

    increases mating chances by a fuckton
  • 4
    @M1sf3t well I don't like superhero movies too and didn't go see the avengers and don't care for it.

    Anyhow, @rajj if she does this again, then don't bother with her.

    Never let anyone lead you on.
  • 5
    @MrCSharp last sentence is the biggest of facts.

    @rajj As the others have said, if she actually has interest, she'll be more than glad to schedule another one. Otherwise, don't let it knock you down man.
  • 4
    @jesustricks I'll add one more tip to that: @rajj never call it 'mating' 😂😂
  • 2
    @C0D4 Not for a hype movie and not when she's already planning on going with friends. That's an easy way to show he's pushy. Remember, he's still a stranger at this point. Friends take priority.
  • 2
    @Alice to be fair, most people are saying look for someone else if she doesn't wanna try again to go on a date.

    But sure.
  • 2
    @Alice some of us are in relationships/married... just going to put that out there.
  • 2
    @Alice ahh ok my bad.

    Thought this was a subtle "shot" at everyone on this thread.

    (Having someone that's interested in EVERYTHING I'm interested in is lame btw)
  • 0
    @Alice You just perfectly described a lot of incels there 👌
  • 1
    I feel sorry for the OP's post...
  • 2
    It feels like arguing with friends in someone else's house 😐
  • 3
    This called a gangbang bro. Gangbang
  • 2
    Spoiler: Batman dies
  • 1
    I just had the perfect response when somebody cancels your date with them for no good reason [other than they've had a more tempting offer]. So, when Mister, Miss, Fraulein texts me and begs out of meeting me in just over an hour, I'd say, "My CPU usage just spiked and the fan's out of control. Gotta go."

    It's my first sentence culled from two years of reading the posts on this site. I'm going to celebrate now and make a pot of Irish Breakfast tea. It's made from real Irish....
  • 0
    @MrCSharp or, as Sandra Bernhard once famously put it on record, "Don't let anybody fuck you over. Fuck them over first. Fuck them up!"
  • 2
    Your first date? That's kinda normal, if she's a fan she's waiting for a long time to see it, and her friend have way more importance than you that just started existing.
  • 0
    What a bitch, you are better off without her.
  • 2
    That sucks. My son was going to celebrate his birthday on Tuesday by going with friends to see Endgame for the first time. We bought them tickets. Two of the friends went and saw it early anyways. They’re still coming (as far as we know) on Tuesday to use the tickets we bought them, but the whole point was to go see it together. It’s no fun watching with people who already know what’s going to happen.

    Why are people like this?
  • 1
    Just saw endgame

    I just saw endgame, and it was pretty good, but there were a few weird things.

    I thought it was strange how the Russo Brothers decided to render Thanos’ erect penis in such vivid detail. The veins were so perfectly done I couldn’t even tell his cock wasn’t real.

    Another thing I found weird was when Black Panther broke the fourth wall and gave the audience the n-word pass. I did appreciate it, but it would feel more in place in a Deadpool movie.

    Overall, it was still excellent, but I think that they definitely need to reconsider some things.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet Opinions should not be phrased as categorical statements.
  • 0
  • 0
    Man, what a shitstorm...

    Nice view to enjoy along my popcorn.
  • 0
  • 1
    She's a keeper.
  • 0
    Honestly, sounds like something I would do.
  • 0
    So she’s girlfriend material then.. 😁
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